A Timeline of Dean’s Work
I have been involved in campaigns in my area for well over a decade. I was one of the main organisers of the Right2Water campaign in Swords. As a county councillor I have been appointed a director of the North Dublin Regional Drug and Alcohol task force, chairperson of local SAMH, a board member of the Dublin Dun Laoghaire Education and Training board and as such I sit on the board of all community national schools in my area. I am an organiser of Darkness into Light in Swords.
I worked with Clare Daly on a range of issues like the Equality Referendum and Repeal, and have been supported in my role as a councillor.
A lot can be achieved when people join together and push for change. And change is needed. We have record number of people homeless or struggling to pay rents with little hope of owning their own home. National planning policy creates communities without appropriate infrastructure.
Precarious employment is undermining people and our communities. Our health and education services are suffering from the effects of years of austerity policies.
Under the current representation system the council have 14 days in which to reply and close off a query, from the date it is received.
A motion for a full council meeting is an agenda item that in theory has standing and importance that directly effects the whole of Fingal and is not generally specific to a local area, motion often use local areas as examples but essentially they are used to discuss issue of Fingal as whole. They are mechanisms used to get a consensus in terms of agreement on a particular issue that meets the above criteria of a motion.
A local area meeting motion has the same structure and desire to ascertain support on an issue, however this can be an issue that is applicable to the local area in which the councillor is based and has no requirement to be specific to the whole of Fingal.
A councillor can submit a question to the chief executive at either full council or local area meetings to ascertain a specific response to said query. The same stipulations apply in terms of their relevance to the local area or Fingal as whole in terms of the appropriate forum to ask said question.